



Welcome to my creative web.

Said the spider to the fly.


From here you can visit

the Wonderful Web of Mystery and Adventure.


It is a journey of art, images, moving pictures,
written words and an endless adventure.


I’ll begin by introducing a visionary revelation.
Revealed to me over the years.

Beginning over five decades ago.


It is a story of the past,

the future, and the present.


It is the story of

The Seven Lost Chronicles.

I will reveal the story to you
just as it was revealed to me.

Over time.


The introduction is now online.

You will have to follow the leads
from the flight crew.


We must conceal

the complete revelations of the Oracle
from sinister powers intent

on using the secret knowledge
for their deceptive ends.


on the other hand,

will be illuminated.


Our flight crew will guide you.

Be at peace.
Truth is eternal.


Make Contact.

Make Contact.